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Marketing Strategy In a Day:

Your Signature
VIP Day Experience

Let’s get real – your life as a business owner is busy enough as it is.

Working through a multi-week program to develop a custom marketing strategy isn’t in the cards. 

It’s tough to make time to work *on* the business when you’re consumed with working *in* the business. And truth be told, most consultants expect you to commit several hours a week for months on end to see results.

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Let’s change the narrative.

My Signature VIP Day Experience
was designed with business owners in mind.

Together, we’ll work through a consulting intensive to audit your marketing strategy, find the holes in your funnel, and create a 100% custom plan to conquer your marketing woes. 
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Arielle Minicozzi-Figueroa
Founder and CTO of Sphynx Automation

We did a coaching project with Zoe where she helped us develop a social media strategy for the coming year. She gave us expert insight and feedback about how to improve our content strategy. We’re much more confident and are looking forward to seeing the results of her recommendations. Out of all the projects we hired for last year, her work was by far the most valuable and impactful. My only regret is that I didn’t hire her sooner – I would have saved so much time and stress if I had.

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Charesse Spiller
Founder and CEO of Level Best

Before my VIP day with Zoe, I didn’t have a clear direction on my marketing plan and wasn’t intentional with the marketing and speaking efforts I was doing. Now that I’ve completed my VIP Day, I now have clarity on my marketing plan for the year. Zoe helped me build a marketing plan that was intentional, realistic, and scalable! My marketing efforts are now on autopilot and I know exactly what opportunities will move my company forward and those that will not. I highly recommend Zoe to those business owners who are looking to build a strong marketing and lead generation plan that can easily be delegated to your team.

My goal when working with VIP Day clients is to create a unique content marketing strategy that is simple, effective, easy to implement, and plays to their strengths.

Here’s how we accomplish those goals:

Before Meeting Day

The Prep Call

We’ll take an hour before your VIP Day to review your current marketing strategy, pain points, and goals for growth. This is a get-everything-on-the-table call. My goal is to get a clear picture of what you’ve done in the past, what’s worked, what’s flopped, and more. You’ll also fill out an intake form that helps tee up this conversation – so don’t feel like you’ll be put on the spot!

Behind the Scenes

I’ll do a deep dive on the notes from our prep call conversation, and start crafting the framework for your content marketing strategy. Before your Signature VIP Day Experience, I’ll be:

  • Checking your Google Analytics
  • Auditing social media channels
  • Running an SEO report on your website
  • Combing through past content
  • Analyzing email marketing initiatives

And more. My goal is to leave no stone unturned in creating your custom marketing plan.

Your Signature VIP Day Experience

During your VIP Day, we’ll go over your custom six-phase marketing strategy:

1. Analyzing your current brand strategy.

This includes clearly defining your ideal client avatars, mission statement, and growth goals. We’ll also cover where your leads currently come from, and what your ideal lead generation looks like.

2. Creating a scalable content marketing plan.

I believe that content marketing is the foundation of any long-lasting marketing strategy – and I want to help you plan for the long game. I’ll create a custom strategy for your business based on your unique goals based on your business initiatives. We’ll review your ideal funnel, how to leverage existing content, and what new content areas need to be given a focus for success.

3. Presenting your content calendar.

This unique-to-you calendar will cover every step in your marketing funnel – from free content to lead generation and nurture to conversion. We’ll review your calendar together and make adjustments based on your goals and interests.

4. Tracking success.

We’ll review key metrics to track as you implement your strategy, and how to avoid common pitfalls.

5. Delegating for maximum ROI.

Let’s be honest – you, the busy business owner or marketing director, are not going to be on the hook for implementing this full strategy. Together, we’ll go over your delegation plan to determine where you can outsource to maximize your marketing budget and reduce the amount of energy and resources you spend. 

6. Organizing a game plan.

Your Signature VIP Day experience wouldn’t be complete without an implementation plan! You’ll walk away with a strategy, delegation to do’s, and a personal checklist to help you stay organized and on track.

After Meeting Day

The Deliverables

Thinking that you’d walk away from our intensive empty-handed? Think again! Not only will you receive the full Signature VIP Day presentation and recording, but you’ll also get:

      1. Access to your own client folder containing all recordings and collateral.
      2. Best Practices Guide 3-Pack (Blogging, Social Media, Email Marketing).
      3. Blog Post Template & Writing Guide.
      4. Your Custom Content Calendar.
      5. 100% Unique-To-You Marketing Strategy Playbook.

The Follow Up

I never want you to feel lost or alone when it comes time to implement your strategy. That’s why we schedule a 30-minute Q&A session two weeks after our intensive. This is the perfect time to clarify your task list, make revisions to your content calendar, or request introductions to delegation referrals.

What if I need ongoing support?

I have an ongoing consulting program available to all Signature VIP Day clients where we choose to meet either monthly or quarterly. This program focuses on accountability and honing your marketing strategy over time as your business goals change or grow.


The total investment is $2,499, due upon booking.

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